Have you ever wondered what the characteristics of a godly woman are, and whether you have the qualities of one? While the concept of a “Godly woman” might sound a bit intimidating, it’s really all about being an amazing woman inside and out, guided by Biblical teachings.
If you are still curious to know how else you can be a Godly woman, here are the top 10 characteristics of a Godly woman from a biblical perspective for you.
Characteristics of a Godly Woman
One distinguishing characteristic of a godly woman is her strong and unwavering faith in God which she demonstrates in her daily life.
Besides being committed to God and sticking to her religious values, being a faithful, godly woman also means being true to your words, staying committed to your plans, and fulfilling your promises to those around you.
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Wise and understanding

A godly woman is a woman who seeks knowledge to make the right choices based on what’s right and good. She is always looking for opportunities to learn and be a better version of herself, and she is also very understanding and forgiving of other people.
Several Bible verses speak highly about a wise woman, Proverbs 14:1 speaks to the power of a wise woman to build her home contrasted with the folly of a woman who tears it down.
Strong and dignified

Proverbs 31:25 describes a godly woman as one who possesses inner strength and carries herself with grace and dignity.
The verse suggests that a godly woman’s strength does not just come from her physical abilities but rather from her character and faith. Because of this inner strength, she can face her future with confidence knowing that her relationship with God is secure.
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Kind and compassionate

Another characteristic of a godly woman is kindness and compassion, as illustrated in Proverbs 31:20.
She is nice and caring to everyone around her, especially those in need including the poor and the old.
A godly woman exercises patience and restraint in all her relationships and interactions with other people.
She understands that good things take time and she tries to remain calm even when things get really tough.
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A godly woman is a humble woman. She doesn’t think or act like she is better than others and she is open to learning from them.
Rather than boasting or being arrogant about her abilities, a godly woman acknowledges that all good things come from God. She also puts the needs of others before her own needs and treats everyone with dignity and respect.

Industriousness and hard work are also characteristics that are associated with a godly woman as seen in several Bible verses including Proverbs 31:18-19 and Proverbs 31:27.
She doesn’t just work hard to fulfil her responsibilities and provide for her family, but she is also very resourceful in managing her resources.
Modesty is another characteristic that defines a godly woman. Even though when most people hear about modesty they instantly think about it in the sense of fashion choices that don’t draw attention to a person, being modest is more than just about that.
It’s rather about carrying yourself with humility and showing decency in all aspects of your life including how you talk, how you behave, and of course how you dress.
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A godly woman is the rock that her family and friends lean on for physical and emotional support.
Whenever she is needed by her loved ones, she shows up and offers a helping hand, a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on.
Last but not least, a godly woman is a hospitable woman following the teachings of the Bible highlighted in 1 Peter 4:9 and Romans 12:13 which urge Christians to practice hospitality without complaining.
She warmly welcomes others, including strangers, into her home and heart and offers them comfort, nourishment, and a listening ear.
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