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What Does the Bible Say About Cheating?

Cheating is a personal choice, but it comes with its consequences such as broken relationships, divorce, broken trust to name but a few. The Bible teaches us to value faithfulness, love, and honesty in all aspects of our lives. While we may encounter challenges and temptations to cheat, let us rely on God’s strength and wisdom to walk in honesty and integrity.

Cheating is a complex, pervasive and troubling issue that causes pain and heartbreak. But why do people cheat? Why can’t we be honest with each other in our relationships? What happens when a Christian cheats? Will God punish us if we cheat?

In this article, we will find answers to these questions, diving deep into the Scriptures to find out what the Bible says about cheating.  

What Is Cheating?

Cheating refers to the act of being unfaithful to one’s partner by engaging in an improper relationship with someone else outside the committed relationship. It involves breaking the commitment and trust established within the relationship to get involved with someone else.

Biblical Teachings on Cheating

Infidelity and deception can cause significant pain and brokenness in our partnerships and marriages. From a Biblical perspective, relationships are intended to be built on love, trust, and faithfulness. Love involves treating our spouses with kindness, faithfulness, and selflessness. However, cheating contradicts the very essence of love and trust.

1. The Bible Warns Against Cheating and Immorality

“You shall not commit adultery.”

Exodus 20:14

Adultery is a form of cheating that violates the marriage covenant and the sacred relationship between a husband and wife. It involves having relations with another person other than one’s marriage partner.

God’s plan for intimacy is designed to take place exclusively within the marriage relationship. When we cheat, we disrupt this design; we violate this union and end up causing emotional and spiritual fractures. This is a vice we may find ourselves engaging in without knowing its implications on the social and spiritual aspects of our lives. It is against God’s commandment and doing it can separate us from God and the people we love.  

2. Cheating Defiles Our Bodies

“Flee from immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins, sins against their own body.”

1 Corinthians 6:18

Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, where a man and a woman become one in a covenant relationship. In Matthew 19:5, the Bible says that we are divinely united with our spouses to form one body. Therefore, when we cheat, we not only break God’s commandment against adultery, but we also sin against our own bodies and our spouse’s bodies since they are one with us. Jesus calls all of us to flee from immorality and its desires. Cheating and immorality defile us; they make us unclean. They take away the innocence and purity of our souls.

3. Cheating Is Sinning Against God’s Temple

God desires that we respect our bodies, and not sin against them, since they are temples of the Holy Spirit, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are supposed to show honor and respect to the Holy Spirit by staying away from things that make us unholy. Before we even think of cheating, we need to ask ourselves whether what we want to do will bring honor to God or not. How is it going to glorify the Lord?

Moreover, the Bible advices us to do things that are pleasing and right in the sight of God. Cheating and dishonesty are not pleasing in God’s sight. They are acts that grieve our Lord; He is angered by the immoral. He abhors dishonesty and cheating, but favors those who act with integrity. Let us watch out and make the right choices lest we miss out on the favor of God and other good things that come with pleasing Him. 

Read Also: What Does the Bible Say About Liars and Manipulators?

4. Do Unto Others…

The Word of God puts a lot of emphasis on the importance of truth, integrity, and treating others with respect. It is against deceit and dishonesty. As followers of Christ, we are called to do to others things that would not offend us if they were done to us. The Bible instructs us to treat others the same way we would love them to treat us, whether in our relationships, friendships, partnerships, or any other aspects of our lives.

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 7:12

How would you feel if you found out that the person you trusted so much was cheating on you? Awful, isn’t it? This should prove to us that cheating hurts the person being cheated on. It hurts the other party emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. If we can’t stand the disappointment and pain of being cheated on, we should think twice before we do it to others.    

5. Cheating Does Not Reflect the Image of God in Our Lives

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”

Colossians 3:9-10

The grace we received through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross made us new creations. Through Him, we died to our old selves and all the sinful practices associated with it. To recognize and acknowledge this sacrifice, we should put off deceitful practices and embrace a new life in Christ that is characterized by truthfulness and transparency. We need to live a life that reflects the image and righteousness of God. Our spouses should see the image of God through us and not the image of darkness.

Read Also: 56 Bible Verses About Loyalty

6. Christians Are Called to Put Off Falsehood

“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”

Ephesians 4:25

Marriage partners are part of the same family, created by God, and they must maintain this union by being honest in their interactions. We were joined together by God to be companions, to share love, and to fulfill God’s divine purpose on earth. Falsehood, dishonesty, and cheating are not part of what God desires from us. Do we find contentment in doing what God desires or do we find contentment in gratifying the desires of the flesh?   

7. Cheating Dishonors Marriage

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the immoral.”

Hebrews 13:4

The Bible values the sanctity of marriage and calls for faithfulness and purity in the marital relationship. This is an institution that was created, ordained, and blessed by God. He calls us to give it the respect and the honor it deserves. Cheating dishonors the institution that God ordained. It reduces the value and meaning of what God saw as good, perfect, and pleasing. We can honor our marriages by preserving their purity and sanctity. Cheating dishonors both the spouse and God’s divine design for the institution of marriage.

What does the Bible say about cheating?

When our spouses find out that we are cheating on them, they may feel unworthy and lose their self-esteem. They may feel dishonored and taken for granted. Jesus reminds us that we will all be judged. Therefore, we must watch out for the things we do so that when the day of judgment comes, we may feel no shame in giving an account of our lives.

Does God Forgive Cheating?

We are all imperfect and prone to making mistakes. The Bible does not condone judgment but encourages us to seek forgiveness and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Like any other sin, God extends His mercy and grace to everyone who genuinely turns to Him in repentance. If we are willing to walk in line with God’s principles for relationships and marriage, He will forgive our wrongdoings.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

In God, there is no condemnation; He is gracious to all mankind. He is able to restore our relationships and the love and trust that were lost as a result of cheating.

The Bible offers guidance and wisdom to help us make ethical decisions in our daily lives. By embracing truthfulness, integrity, and love, we can foster a culture of trust and respect in our relationships. Let us always lean on God’s Word to make choices that honor God.

Read Also: 60 Bible Verses About Selfishness

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